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Thailand: Red Shirt Army Protest
BANGKOK - TENS of thousands of 'red shirts' marched to a major army base yesterday, but the show of strength failed to pressure the Thai government into holding early elections. 'The demand...for House dissolution before noon...cannot be met,' Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva told a press conference at his temporary base in the army regiment's headquarters. 'But it does not mean that I or the coalition parties will not listen to their voices,' added Mr Abhisit, who was flanked by his coalition partners. 'Any political decision-making must be based on ultimate national interest and accommodating all opinions from every group in society.' He then left the base in a helicopter, which flew over the convoy of red shirts as it marched from Rajadamnoen Avenue in the heart of historic Bangkok to the headquarters of the 11th Infantry Regiment - a distance of well over 10km. Yesterday's demonstration took place without the much-feared violence that had marred previous mass rallies organised by the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), which largely supports ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. - http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/SE+Asia/Story/STIStory_502579.html My opinion: When Thaksin was the prime minister, he gave the poor people loans with low interest and gave them many interests but did not give any interest to the middle income family. This made the middle income people angry which made the government re-elect the prime minister which is the current Prime Minister Abishit. The government then confiscated a huge sum of money from Thaksin as they believe that the money is corrupted. The benefits that Thaksin gave were also cancelled, this then made the poor people angry and created what is known as the Red Shirt Army. Their main purpose is to make the government have a fresh and fair democratic election, the prime minister must be voted by the people of The main reason for this incident is because of the unfair treatment given to the citizens of Basically, all this will not happen if Thaksin did not give the citizens unfair treatment. However, all this could end if the government could allow Thaksin to come back to Thailand and return his money but do not allow him to be a politician and have a fresh and fair election where the citizens vote for the Prime Minister. However, this can only be done if both the yellow shirt and red shirt protesters can compromise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punishment for Mrt Vandalism
![]() Should Olive Fricker be cane? Caning as a punishment is an embarrassment in this day and age, especially for a modern progressive city like ours, and will certainly bring ill effects of the victim. Being caned has a severe psychological impact on the vandal. Such a punishment has an adverse effect on the victim and they act out in different ways. Some may feel inferior to others and develop low self-esteem, while others develop intense anger against authority or even themselves. Caning is like a vicious cycle. If they gain hatred and became aggressive, it may result in terrorism, coming back for revenge causing harm to the country. If they feel inferior and became passive, it may result them having suicidal thoughts, as they are unable to withstand the emotional and mental pressure they are put under. Canning should not be used as far as possible, unless it is used to serve as a deterrent for severe offenders, like drug or child traffickers, or for repeat offenders. Caning as a punishment is a torture to the offender, therefore it must only be used for severe offenders to allow them to understand where they have gone wrong and make sure they will not repeat the same act again. As for less severe crimes, it should only be for repeat offenders as it shows that they have not learn their lesson and much heavier sentence must be used to teach them a lesson. In my opinion, first-time offenders for less severe crime like Oliver Fricker, who vandalized the MRT on 17th May 2010, should be spared the cane as his intentions were harmless, as he claimed that he was "cajoled" by Lloyd into committing the crimes and made a one-off mistake "while inebriated" after drinking several beers. Moreover, his graffiti had not incited hatred, and left no lasting damage, hence there is no grave need to execute corporal punishment on Fricker. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA English Home leaning
Task 1 Henry Bechtold was sent to During one of his visits, he was sitting in his hotel room in Task 2 Point of View The speaker is Henry Bechtold. He is speaking from a third person point of view. The speaker thoughts and feelings from the poems show that he is a pessimistic person. This can be seen from the last stanza where it state that after this entire incident the children will return into the darkness where they will not see the light. There are children that are facing the suffering of war yet they could not see a ray of hope as they are not able to fight back against their enemies. The lives of the children were all controlled by the war and they could not escape; only death awaits them. Language/Diction 1. Rhyme “Light”, “fight” “Flee”, “free” “Soul”, “hole” Could we simply light a candle 3. Personification “Down some endless thirsty hole.” Personal response This poem managed to put me in the real war scene whereby the the children were all helpless from the war, they were restricted by their masters and there is no way of escaping from their clutches. This poem truly depicted the situation of the war back then where children were often used for the other's benefits like sending them out as spies, using them as human shields or in propaganda. The unfairness and suffering the children during that time had to endure was really tough and we should learn from them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who would you want to be friends with in the novel? Explain.
I would like to be friend with Atticus as he is the most upright character, most honest and a crusader for justice. Unlike the rest of the maycomb he does not have any prejudice against any race or class. He believes in justice and would go against the odds to bring justice to the world. He also goes through great pains to instruct his children on the importance of being judicious, kind neighbors and citizens. Being an excellent marksman, he is very caring and modest as he had chosen to keep this fact hidden from his children so that they would not think of him as a man of violence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Design a civil rights movement poster for Maycomb.
![]() This is my civil rights movement poster. The scale represents equality and the two men standing on each side represents the white and the blacks. The scale shows that both of them have equal weights on each side of the scale, which also means that both of them have equal rights in life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Favourite Food
My favourite food My favourite food is the cheesy, easily available and simply delicious pizza. The flavour that I like best is probably seafood flavour. The pizza is made with a tomato base and is filled up with toppings like scrimps, sotongs and pineapple covered with a layer of mayonnaise. No matter how many times I eat it, it will never be sick of it. The seafood pizza is the pizza that I love best and I will give a rating of 10 out of 10. Another of my favourite flavour will be the Hawaii flavour. The pizza is usually consists of a cheese and tomato base with pieces of ham, onions, and pineapple. Some versions include bacon, shrimp, green pepper, mushrooms and/or jalapenos, but the version with ham and pineapple only is the most common. The Hawaii pizza is the pizza where most of my friends like the best and I will give a rating of 8 out of 10. The pizza is an easily available and can be order by just dialing number. Also the pizza also came up with a new invention that makes delivery of pizza be hot when it is being served, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd week of school
Time sure past very fast. It is week 2 now and it means that the class test are getting nearer. Let me summarise what i have done for this week... On Monday, went to library after school to print the comic strip for my project. When I reach there, they said that the printer was out of order. So no choice but to go buy black and colour printer ink. On Tuesday, went to play soccer with classmates at the newly opened street soccer court. I had lots of fun and hoped that the class can do this more often. On Wednesday, went for CCA. We went for our warm-up run first, we ran for around 5.5km. After the run, I was panting profusely. Next we went for our weights programme, I lifted the 5kg weight and felt as if i was lifting an elephant. My arms ache after the training ended. Today's training sure is tiring, I hope that I can just go home and sleep. Sadly, I still got homework to be completed. On Thursday, I went for the mathematics quiz. After we are dismissed, those selected for the maths quiz went to LT2 for the maths quiz. When we reach there, there was nobody at all except for us, so one of my classmate went to ask the person in charge what time is the maths quiz. When he came back, he said that the maths quiz is at LT4 not LT2. We quickly grab our bags and ran there. Once we reach there, the maths quiz has already started. Luckily, the teacher was kind and allow us to take the test. On Friday, I went for CCA. This time it was water training so I went to Macritchie. It was my first time on the boat and could not balance it well. I capsize after paddling for around 200m. After the training i was soaking wet and had to go home in my wet clothing. Good thing it is the end of the week and I could sleep as long as I want. This week sure is a tiring week. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
PROFILE-★ Name: Chan Jun Yang D.O.B: 17th March 1996 Msn: chanjunyang@gmail.com Email: chanjunyang@gmail.com |
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AFFILATES-★ Teachers Mrs Raj Friends HCI Benji(1P1) Yu Jia WenCong Jason Yi Jie Guo Wei Gerald Eagan Gavyn Zhixian Leon Yixin Joshua Tan Haolin Wei Xiang Jia Li HaoChen Zhang Cheng Mickey Guan Hao Han Zhe Xin Yi Ronnie Peter Kim Yao Yue Song Lionell Yi Fan Sheng Yang Jing Yu Nathaniel Kevin Joshua |
WISHLIST-★ Currently Nothing In Mind |
Likes(♥) And Dislikes(Ø) Loves(♥) Playing... • Computer Games • maybe Piano • Tennis Hates(Ø) • Homework(But will do if needed) • No Computer Games |
Games-★ |